Wednesday 29 October 2008

just a lazy back from holiday post

I've just had the nicest holiday away with my mum and dad. We met up with them down in London, as our band was playing in a contest at the Royal Albert Hall (we came 5th! oh yeah!), and then we headed down to beautiful Bath for a week. We were staying in a gorgeous wee cottage and I got some much needed relaxation in. Then Dave came down to meet us and we headed over to the Loire Valley, south of Paris for 4 days. We drank lots of wine, ate lots of cheese, and generally pottered around tiny villages all week. Bliss!! A perfect two weeks away was nicely rounded off with a gig with the band at the Louvre. A bit surreal, but very cool. We were doing our Acid Brass stuff (remixes of old Acid classics... a bit hard to explain, but it's good fun and goes off at the festivals) and got a good crowd in. It was awesome catching up with mum and dad too.

So now I'm just feeling a bit sleepy and worn out (worn out from relaxing? seems so) so today's post is a lazy one.

Check out this dress. Got $12m?? Feel like blowing it all on a dress? It's pretty sparkly I guess, but I'm not so into the lace-up side bits.
I'll get back on track with something a bit more interesting soon... promise.

Tuesday 7 October 2008

Something I don't get about weddings

The rehearsal dinner. I honestly don't get it - I understand the bridal party meeting at the ceremony venue a day prior to the Day to run through how it's all going to happen. I understand wanting to catch up with out of town guests, because the reception itself is likely to be pretty busy and full on, but a dinner? to practice eating and engaging in polite conversation? I hope by now I have those skills covered. And if you give a speech at the rehearsal dinner, what is then said at the reception?
But The Knot (I know, I know) has taught me that not only is it Absolutely Necessary to have a rehearsal dinner, but it is also vital that a brand new dress is bought for said occasion.

Hmmmm this is coming out a wee bit snarky - it's not intended to be! maybe it's just different cultures and traditions; it seems as though the rehearsal dinner thang is more an American tradition - is that true? how about in the UK? in NZ? I guess also the style of wedding might impact upon other expectations too...

Personally, I would rather spend the night before the wedding chilling with my girls and my mum, having a couple of wines and watching The Sweetest Thing (ok, I stole that directly from my sister's wedding eve - but it was lovely!).

While I'm questioning it all... is there a difference between a bachelorette party, a hens night and a bridal shower? And a bridesmaids luncheon?

Goodness gracious me.
However. If we were to have a rehearsal dinner, and I was to buy a dress for it, I would HAVE to buy this:

Monday 6 October 2008

an apology

very sorry to anyone who has been checking to see if I've written anything since last Wednesday. Unfortunately, Talk Talk (= worst internet provider in the UK) has let me down and the internet has been on the blink for a few days. I have called the Indian sub-continent a couple of times, but their databases are down also, so no help there.
After a trip to the library to write a couple of necessary emails, I've managed to restart the computer and the internet appears to be working again. However, it did that on Friday for all of 10 minutes and then crashed again, so I'm not holding my breath. Why didn't I do a course in computers? a B.A. can't fix the internet.
All going well I'll get some posting in this week - but from Friday I am off to London to perform with the Fairey Band at the Royal Albert Hall. Then, following a fun London day with Mel, I am on holiday with my mum and dad (yay! they just arrived in London yesterday!) in Bath for a week and then in the Loire Valley in France for a second week. The holiday finishes up with Dave and I performing, again with the Fairey Band, this time at the Louvre - woopee!!!!
A big thanks to everyone who has been reading and commenting! I know Paper Ballerinas hasn't achieved world domination just yet, but it's been lots of fun nevertheless!

Wednesday 1 October 2008

Hair pieces

When I've tried on wedding dresses, I've loved it when the bridal store assistant has popped a veil on my head. It makes it all seem that much more bridal. But then, the other day, I tried on a stunning taffeta gown that had a silk flower at the waist. Instead of a veil, a clutch of silk flowers were clipped into my hair.

I was sold - veil schmael; I'm totally going with flowers.

Twigs and Honey is currently taking Etsy and the blogging world by storm, and Myra's creations have become so popular that apart from the first 30 orders received today, orders are closed for the time being! I tried valiantly to win a hair piece for myself, but no such luck.

But fear not, there are some other stunning hair piece options lurking on the web.

Mikiye Creations have many many hair pieces that I would be more than happy to wear (and are still taking custom orders!). These two are my favourites from her collection

This one is called Camellia. So romantic.

And this whimsical wee love is called Holly Golightly.

And this pair of peonies from Butterfly Enchantress

There are a ton of other options just on Etsy alone - with jewels, feathers, headbands, fascinator veils; all sorts!