Friday, 29 August 2008

Nie Nie Dialogues

Hi Everyone,
Just a very quick one for now (yes, I know I've not yet put up the promised inspiration board... it'll happen over the weekend all going to plan). For anyone who hasn't already checked it out, Nie Nie Dialogues is one of the most beautiful blogs going - Stephanie (Nie) and her husband Christian, have four gorgeous kids and her blog is pretty much about their lives - it's beautiful and heatwarming and full of a LOT of love; these are the people you seriously want to know in real life.
Stephanie and her husband were just involved in a private plane crash. They're in hospital with serious injuries that are going to take a lot of time and money to heal. So, some wonderful bloggers have gotten together and set up a silent auction. All proceeds are going to the family to pay for the formidable medical and child care costs.
Design Mom has set up the silent auction, and her blog has a blog entry today that lists some of the amazing items that are up for auction.
What blows me away is that every single item (and believe, there are some impressive ones) has been donated by people who may not even know Nie and Christian but just want to do something to help.
Thoughts and prayers going out to the Nielsons.

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